          他是北約+美軍指揮官,但他才是三軍統帥(C-in-C) st1\00003a*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}他是北約+美軍指揮官,但他才是三軍統帥(C-in-C) 【Comment】 將在外,君命有所不受嗎?戰術上或是如此,除此之外,軍隊是中立的。麥克阿瑟是個前例。王昇、郝柏村,都是程度輕微的例子。不過,C-in-C願意負起三軍統帥的責任下。假使C-in-C自己都不沾鍋、不將將呢? 軍官,應嚴守政治中立。Enrico兄對此曾有此一註腳段落,那些永遠不起立鼓掌的人,非常令人景仰。 這位Stanley A. McChrystal身兼北約軍與美軍指揮官等兩職位(dual-hat),即:the commander of NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and U.S. Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A)。他已提出辭呈,蓋茲說他犯了大錯(significant mistake)、缺乏判斷(poor judgment)、,以及小丑(clown)。 現在剩下走完成序(C-in-C在白宮召見的行禮如儀 房屋二胎)而已。根據報導,至少Stanley A. McChrystal與國務院(駐阿富汗大使)不和,這是海外雙線(國防+外交)領導的困難點。相對的,阿富汗總統府支持McChrystal,而塔利班則視為美國對阿富汗在政治上的重大挫敗。 【相關閱讀】 The Run Away General 駐阿美軍司令批評白宮 奧巴馬憤怒 ●BBC(2010.06.22) 對於阿富汗美軍司令麥克里斯特爾抨擊華盛頓,美國總統奧巴馬感到憤怒。 身為四星上將的麥克里斯特爾(Stanley A. McChrystal)已經被召回華盛頓,此前他和他的助手在《滾石》雜誌發表文章,批評美國高級官員。 奧巴馬認為,麥克里斯特爾的文章顯示出他缺乏判斷力(poor judgment)。 不過白宮暫時不願透露是否會將麥克里斯特爾撤職。 奧巴馬表示,他希望與麥克里斯特爾面對面談話後,再決定下一步的行動。 麥克里斯特爾在文章中說,他對奧巴馬總統感到失望(disappointed) 酒肉朋友 ,文章還嘲笑了華府其他高官,包括副總統、國家安全顧問等。 他還說,感到被美國在喀布爾的大使出賣,這位大使質疑他派遣更多美軍到阿富汗的請求。 麥克里斯特爾已經為自己在《滾石》雜誌刊登的文章作出道歉。 Barack Obama 'angry' over McChrystal claims ●BBC(2010.06.22) US President Barack Obama was angered by a magazine profile in which the top military commander in Afghanistan criticised senior administration officials, the White House says. President Obama said General Stanley McChrystal had shown "poor judgement". The general has been summoned to Washington over the Rolling Stone article, for which he has apologised. Administration officials 東森房屋have so far declined to say that his job is safe. Mr Obama said he wanted to talk with the general in person before deciding what action to take. US media reports said Gen McChrystal had submitted his resignation, but it was up to the president to decide whether to accept it. There has been no official comment on the reports. In the article by Michael Hastings, entitled The Runaway General, Gen McChrystal is characterised as facing up to a key enemy in the war in Afghanistan : "The wimps in the White House." Gen McChrystal is quoted as sharply criticising the US ambassador to Kabul , Karl Eikenberry. Aides to the general are quoted as saying he was "disappointed" when meeting President Barack Obama for the first time. Other targets include Vice-Presi 術後面膜dent Joe Biden, National Security Adviser James Jones and the special US envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan , Richard Holbrooke. The BBC's Kevin Connolly, in Washington , says the language and tone of Rolling Stone - a pop-culture magazine - make an uncomfortable fit with the delicate form of heavily armed diplomacy with which Gen McChrystal has been entrusted in Afghanistan . The decision to allow the publication behind-the-scenes access for a prolonged period suggests a disturbing lack of judgment somewhere in the general's inner circle, our correspondent adds. In his first comments on the issue, President Obama said: "I think it's clear that the article in which he and his team appeared showed a poor - showed poor judgment. "But I also want to make sure that I t 好房網alk to him directly before I make any final decisions." Speaking to reporters earlier, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said the president was "angry". Mr Gibbs added: "Without a doubt, General McChrystal... has made an enormous mistake. A mistake that he'll get a chance to talk about and answer to, tomorrow, to both officials in the Pentagon and the commander-in-chief. "The purpose for calling him here is to see what in the world he was thinking." He added that the war effort in Afghanistan was "bigger than one person". US Defence Secretary Robert Gates said in a strongly worded statement he had read the Rolling Stone article "with concern". "I believe that General McChrystal made a significant mistake and exercised poor judgment in this case. "General McChrystal has apologise 租房子d to me and is similarly reaching out to others named in this article to apologise to them as well. I have recalled Gen McChrystal to Washington to discuss this in person." 'Clown' The Rolling Stone article - for which Hastings was given access to the commander and his staff over several weeks - will appear in Friday's edition of the magazine. In it, Gen McChrystal says he felt "betrayed" by the ambassador to Kabul during the long 2009 White House debate on troop requests for Afghanistan . Gen McChrystal suggests that Mr Eikenberry was using a leaked internal memo that questioned the wisdom of troop requests as a way of protecting himself from future criticism over the deployment. The general says: "I like Karl, I've known him for years, but they'd never said anything like that to us before. " 房屋買賣Here's one that covers his flank for the history books. Now if we fail, they can say, 'I told you so.'" Gen McChrystal also mocks the vice-president in response to a question. "Are you asking about Vice-President Biden?" McChrystal asks. "Who's that?" Another aide refers to a key Oval Office meeting with the president a year ago. The aide says it was "a 10-minute photo-op", adding: "Obama clearly didn't know anything about him, who he was... he didn't seem very engaged. The boss was pretty disappointed." Another aide refers to National Security Adviser Jones as a "clown stuck in 1985". Upon receiving an e-mail from Mr Holbrooke on his Blackberry, Gen McChrystal says: "Oh, not another e-mail from Holbrooke... I don't even want to open it." Aide quits Duncan Boothby, a special assistant to Gen McChrysta 租房子l who organised the Rolling Stone journalist's access to the commander, has resigned as a result of the article. As news of the article emerged, Gen McChrystal attempted to limit the damage in advance of Rolling Stone hitting the newsstands. He said in a statement: "I extend my sincerest apology for this profile. It was a mistake reflecting poor judgment and should never have happened. "Throughout my career, I have lived by the principles of personal honour and professional integrity. What is reflected in this article falls far short of that standard. "I have enormous respect and admiration for President Obama and his national security team and for the civilian leaders and troops fighting this war and I remain committed to ensuring its successful outcome." Gen McChrystal replaced Gen David McKiernan in 2009 and has sought to reduce the number of Afg 系統傢俱han civilians being killed in combat operations. After his appointment, Gen McChrystal was drawn into a long and detailed strategy review with the president, finally getting an additional 30,000 US troops from Mr Obama. But analysts say Gen McChrystal disagreed with the president's pledge to start bringing troops home in July 2011. A spokesman for Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Waheed Omer, voiced support for Gen McChrystal in the wake of the Rolling Stone article. "The president strongly supports General McChrystal and his strategy in Afghanistan and believes he is the best commander the United States has sent to Afghanistan over the last nine years," he said. But a spokesman for the Taliban said Gen McChrystal's recall was another sign of the start of the "political defeat" for US policies in Afghanistan . ARMANI.stm  .

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